
Though worldwide the 2020s will be defined by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Yale students have defined it through fighting against the systemic failures it has exposed and other ongoing battles on campus.

A few years into the new decade, students’ lives have been turned upside down and changed significantly. Students responded by advocating for universal pass to alleviate the inequities faced in differing student circumstances as a result of the pandemic and switch to online learning. The shooting of Stephanie Washington and Paul Witherspoon in 2019 and murder of George Floyd in 2020 created the conditions for students to respond to this police violence with calls for police abolition.

While this section highlights the student activism surrounding COVID-19 challenges and Yale Police Department (YPD) abolition, it also serves as a reminder that our current times are not foreign to student struggle and the ongoing drive students have to fight for a better world. As a result, this is a working section that will be continuously updated as students continue to advocate for themselves and their communities.